Dehumidifier usability project

developing design guideline and concept

"We designed guideline and concept about dehumidifier usability, especially about water tank."

Research background  

Dehumidifier and water support are heavy and difficult to operate, which may cause the main user, housewives, to move or empty water, to suffer wrist and waist damage.

Research purpose  

Establishment of reasonable design basis for improving the maintenance experience of dehumidifier. Physical design elements and structural suggestions optimized for Maintenance.

Research characteristic  

Qualitative data collection through focus group interview for housewives.Observation of the use of dehumidifier in the home through video etonography. Evaluate user test and survey using motion capture to move dehumidifier or empty water pan.

Research conclusion                                                                                    

Design guide line for usability

Research team :  백준상, 김진성, Shuping Xiong, 김소정, 박윤이, 김준태, 곽동화, 김가이, 김재희, 오가영       

partner : samsung electronic

Tag : #For housewife #Dehumidifier #Ux/Ui #Etonography #Usability