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Peer-reviewed published/accepted journal papers
Myung, J., Choi, M., Baek, J. S.** (2025). Enhancing child-nature interactions through design: An empirical study of the emotions, perspectives, and experiences of nature of South Korea’s urban Generation Alpha children. People and Nature.
Plurality and Cultural Specificity of Service Design in East and Southeast Asia. (2025). (J.-J. Lee, J. S. Baek, & E. Yu, Eds.). Springer. Download e-book:
Myung, J., Hwang, J., Baek, J. S.** (2025). A Relational Nature Play Framework: A Case Study of Urban Generation Alpha’s Nature Play Using TerraToy. Archive of Design Research, 38(1).
He, Y., Yu, H., Choi, J., Lee, S., Lee, H., Baek, J. S. (2024). Activating Parental Participation: Service Design for Working Fathers with Young Children. Design Convergence Studies. 23(6).
Silva, S. A., Choi, S., Gabuardi, T. L., Widjaja, S., Baek, J. S. ** (2024) Participatory design to address common challenges in digital democracy in a remote and asynchronous setting: a case study of a citizen participation platform for the Seoul Metropolitan Library. CoDesign.
Youn, H., Baek, J. S.** (2024). Assemblage-based Stakeholder Analysis in design: A conceptual framework through the lenses of post-anthropocentrism. CoDesign, 20(4), 586-606.
Baek, J. S., Jun, T. J., Lee, J., Jo, E., Kim, H. K. (2023) Unleashing the Potential of AcciMap in Identifying and Anticipating Systemic Failures: A Case Study of Child Abuse Prevention through Design. She Ji, 9(4), 458-488.
Lee, S., Rajaguru, V., Baek, J. S., Shin, J., & Park, Y. (2023). Digital Health Interventions to Enhance Tuberculosis Treatment Adherence: Scoping Review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 11, e49741. IF=5.0
Widjaja, S. P., Baek, J. S.** (2023). Visualizing the complexity of children’s digital well-being in South Korea: a systems thinking approach based on the systematic literature reviews. Archive of Design Research, 36(3), 7-25.
Silva, S. A., Lee, S. Y., Baek, J. S.** (2023). Bridging the Gap: Using a Preparatory Stage to Reduce the Knowledge Gap caused by Generational and Educational Disparities in Participatory Design. Archive of Design Research, 36(2), 93-105.
Lee, S. Y., Baek, J. S.** (2023). The Effect of Design Education for Social Innovation on Social Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy. Archive of Design Research, 36(1), 299-315.
Baek, J. S.*, Bhamra, T. (2022) Network Analysis of Complex Stakeholder Needs for Service Ecosystem Sustainability: A case study of South Korean ESCO industry. She Ji, 8(3), 362-384.
Balaji, J. N., Prakash, S., Park, Y., Baek, J. S., Shin, J., Rajaguru, V., Surapaneni, K. M. (2022) A Scoping Review on Accentuating the Pragmatism in the Implication of Mobile Health (mHealth) Technology for Tuberculosis Management in India. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 12(10). IF=3.508
Jang Y., Im S., Kang Y., Baek, J. S.** (2022) Relational Agents for the Homeless with Tuberculosis Experience: Providing social support through human–agent relationships. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems. 12(2). IF=3.400
Lee, S. Y., Kim, J. Y., Park, E. Y., Na, M., Augusto, S. S., Kang, M. J., & Baek, J. S.** (2022). Service Design for Foreign Students’ Adaptation to College Life: Focusing on Social Interaction with Korean Students. Design Convergence Studies, 21(3), 1-20.
Kim, J. Y., Lee, S. Y., Park, E. Y., Na, M., Baek, J. S., & Kang, M. J. (2022). Resilience among Undergraduate Freshmen during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Development of Resource Promotion Program. Family and Environment Research, 60(2), 243-256.
Chung, S. J., Kim, Y. S., Sim, B. M., Silva, S. A., Kang, M. J., & Baek, J. S.* (2022). Design intervention for supporting resilience of graduate students in the humanities and social sciences in the COVID-19 era. Design Convergence Studies, 21(1), 1-25.
Kim, A., Yang, J., Jang Y., Baek, J. S.* (2021) Acceptance of an informational anti-TB chatbot among Korean adults: Mixed-methods research. JMIR mHealth and uHealth. 9(11):e26424. IF=4.948
Pahk, Y., Baek, J. S.** (2021) A relational approach to the design for peer support. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(5), 2596. IF=2.849.
Baek, J. S. (2020). Digital collaborative services: How do ICTs support the forming of collaboration networks in grass-roots social innovations? Design Convergence Studies. 19(6). 128-144.
Choi, K. H., Baek, J. S. (2020). Study on the Open-type Wearable Air Cleaner Design. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association. 20(12). 74-81.
Kim, J., Jo, J., Jung, D., Kim, H., Baek, J. S. (2020). A design study on the transitional caregiving service: a stakeholder-centred approach. Design Convergence Studies. 19(6). 17-31.
Jo, E., Lee, J., Shin, M., Kim, H., Baek, J. S. (2020). Development of an effective peer-support coaching program: A multi-disciplinary process. Design Convergence Studies. 19(4). 81-95.
Kim, S., Baek, J. S.**, Christiaans, H.H.C.M. (2019). A smart home ecosystem as a product-service system: A PSS perspective on the design of smarter home appliances. Service Science. 11(4), 292-310.
Baek, J. S.*, Kim, S. Y., Harimoto, T. (2019). The effect of cultural differences on a distant collaboration for social innovation. A case study of designing for precision farming in Myanmar and South Korea. Design and Culture. 11(1), 37-58.
Pahk, Y., Baek, J. S.**, Self, J. A. (2018). COVALENT, a method for co-designing value exchange in community-centred design. Codesign. 14(4), 275-292.
Baek, J. S.*, Pahk, Y., Kim, S., Manzini, E. (2018). A sociotechnical framework for the design of collaborative services. Design Studies, 55 (March), 54-78.
Self, J. A.*, Baek, J. S. (2017). Interdisciplinarity in Design Education: Understanding the undergraduate student experience. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 1-22.
Kang, R., Ahn, Y., Meijer, M., Muhammad, T., Park, Y., Baek, J. S., Kim, C. (2016). Characterizing Natural User Interface with Wearable Smart Watches. Archive of Design Research, 29(3), 45-61.
Baek, J. S.*, Meroni, A., Manzini, E. (2015). A socio-technical approach to design for community resilience: A framework for analysis and design goal forming. Design Studies, 40 (September), 60-84.
Kim, J., Baek, J. S. ** (2015). Stakeholder-centred approach to PSS development: A case study of servicisation of an intelligent LED system. Archive of Design Research, 28(2), 153-166.
Manzini, E., Zhong, F., & Baek, J. S.* (2010). Design for social innovation and sustainability: Hypothesis on a viable leapfrog strategy in China. Asia Design Journal, 5 (March), 104-135.
Baek, J. S., & Lee, K. P.* (2008). A participatory design approach to information architecture design for children. Codesign, 4(3), 173-191.
Peer-reviewed published/accepted conference
proceeding papers and posters
proceeding papers and posters
Youn, H., Baek, J. S. (2024) 탈인간중심적 디자인: 새로운 이해관계자 분석 방법의 필요성. Post-anthropocentric Design: The Need for a New Stakeholder Analysis Method. 2024 KSDS Spring International Conference
Sung, S. et al., Baek, J. S. (2024) 결핵 환자의 복약 순응 향상을 위한 의료 대시보드 디자인 연구. Healthcare Dashboard Service Design Study to Improve Medication Adherence. 2024 KSDS Spring International Conference
Nam, J. et al., Baek, J. S. (2024) 알파세대의 자연연결감 증진을 위한 참여적 디자인 도구로써의 비인간 페르소나와 공감지도. Non-human Personas & Empathy Map: Participatory Design Tools to Enhance Gen Alpha’s Nature Connection. 2024 KSDS Spring International Conference
Choi et al., & Baek, J. S. (2023) 결핵환자 대상 생성 AI(Generative AI)의 미래모습: Design Fiction 방법론을 중심으로. The Future of Generative AI for Tuberculosis Patients: Focusing on Design Fiction Methodology. 2023 KSDS · SDC Fall International Conference
Widjaja, S. P., Baek, J. S.** (2023). Visualizing the complex problem of children’s digital wellbeing in South Korea: a systems thinking approach. Paper presented at ICED23, Bordeaux, France.
Choi et al., & Baek (2023) 장애통합반 보육교사의 어려움을 해결하기 위한 멘토링 앱 서비스 디자인 연구. Research on the service design of mentoring app to address difficulties facing teachers of integrated classes at daycare centers. Paper presented at the HCIK 2023. Pyeongchang. South Korea. South Korea.
Park et al., & Baek (2023) 유아 문제행동으로 인한 초임 유아교사 지원 연구: 유아 교사 문제행동 사례 공유 커뮤니티. A study on support of first-time early childhood teachers due to early childhood problem behavior: problem behavior case sharing community. Paper presented at the HCIK 2023. Pyeongchang. South Korea. South Korea.
Kim et al., & Baek (2023) 영유아를 배려하는 공공장소를 위한 사회적 디자인 연구. Social design research for public places with young children. Paper presented at the HCIK 2023. Pyeongchang. South Korea. South Korea.
Myung et al., & Baek (2023) 아동의 바람직한 소비 습관 형성을 위한 부모-자녀 의사소통 지원 디자인 연구. Design-led parent-child communication support for developing children's consumption habits. Paper presented at the HCIK 2023. Pyeongchang. South Korea. South Korea.
Silva, S. A. & Baek** (2022) Participatory design towards digital democracy. Full paper presented at DRS 2022. Bilbao. Spain.
Lee, S. Y. & Baek** (2022) 디자인을 통한 사회혁신 교육: 사회기업가적 자기효능감의 자원을 중심으로. Social innovation education through Design. Paper presented at Korea Society of Design Science Conference. Online. South Korea.
Yoon, H. Y. & Baek** (2021). The impact of distance learning necessitated by pandemic: An exploration of distance vocational education for students with intellectual disabilities and new opportunities in design domains. Short paper presented at IASDR 2021. Hong Kong. China.
Kim et al. & Baek* (2021). Infrastructuring for Social Innovation Inspired by Social Insects. Full paper presented at RSD10. Delft. The Netherlands.
Kim et al. & Baek* (2021). Service design for foreign students’ adaptation to college life. Paper presented at the HCIK 2021. Pyeongchang. South Korea.
Kim et al. & Baek (2021). Service design for the mental health of college students: an online club open house app. Paper presented at the HCIK 2021. Pyeongchang. South Korea.
Augusto & Baek** (2021). Exploring participatory design approach for digital public participation problems. Paper presented at the HCIK 2021. Pyeongchang. South Korea.
Park et al. (2021). On/off-line blended service to support college freshmen’s academic life. Paper presented at the HCIK 2021. Pyeongchang. South Korea.
Im & Baek** (2021). Medical staff’s perception and usage of distraction method in a Korean hospital to present design direction of the distraction tools. Paper presented at the HCIK 2021. Pyeongchang. South Korea.
Lee et al. (2021). Mobile counseling service design for stress management of college students. Paper presented at the HCIK 2021. Pyeongchang. South Korea.
Jung et al. (2021). Design of integrated services supporting residential college freshmen. Paper presented at the HCIK 2021. Pyeongchang. South Korea.
Lee & Baek** (2021). Designers’ role and motivation in social innovation. Paper presented at the HCIK 2021. Pyeongchang. South Korea. (Best paper)
Cho, E. et al. (2020). Service design for stress management of college students. Paper presented at the HCIK 2020. Pyeongchang. South Korea.
Jo, J. et al. (2020). Service design to improve caregivers’ work environment in South Korea. Paper presented at the HCIK 2020. Pyeongchang. South Korea.
Jeong et al. (2020). An integrated platform for North Korean migrant teenagers. Paper presented at the HCIK 2020. Pyeongchang. South Korea.
Kim, S., Baek, J. S** (2019). Smart homes as product-service systems: how do we design them to be smart and systemic? Paper presented at the ICED 2019, Delft, The Netherlands.
Lee, S., Baek, J. S** (2019). Nature-inspired design for self-organized social systems: A tool for collaborative communities. Paper presented at the ICED 2019, Delft, The Netherlands.
Kim, S., Baek, J. S** (2017). Nature-inspired organizational design framework for open collaboration platform development. Paper presented at the IASDR 2017, Cincinnati, US.
Baek, J. S.*, Manzini, E. (2017) ICT-empowered collaborative services: technical ecosystem and social forms. Paper presented at the Cumulus 2017, Kolding, Denmark.
Pahk, Y., Baek, J. S.** (2017) Design opportunities in mutual support for the elderly. Paper presented at the ICED 2017, Vancouver, Canada.
Pahk, Y., Baek, J. S.* (2017) Need network analysis: a process to understand the stakeholder need structure in multi-actor service systems. Paper presented at the ICED 2017, Vancouver, Canada.
Hennemann, M., Cho, E., Kim, S., Baek, J. S.* (2017). FLAI – Family-Linking Artificial Intelligence. Paper presented at the ADADA 2017, Gwangjoo, South Korea.
Kim, S., Lim, M., Pahk, Y., Chang, K., Baek, J. S.** (2016). Nature-inspired Organization Design Approach to Facilitate Collaboration for Social Innovation. Paper presented at the KSDS Conference 2016, Busan, S. Korea.
Pahk, Y., Chang, K., Lee, M., Kim, S., Baek, J. S.** (2016). A Co-design Method for Value Exchange. Paper presented at the KSDS Conference 2016, Busan, S. Korea.
Chang, K., Pahk, Y., Baek, J. S.** (2016). Wearable Design for Sexual Crime Against Children. Paper presented at the KSDS Conference 2016, Busan, S. Korea.
Kim, S., Baek, J. S.** (2016). Nature-Inspired Organizational Design Approach for Social Innovation Platform Development. Poster presented at the ACM GROUP 2016, Florida, USA.
Baek, J. S.*, Pahk, Y., Kim, S. (2016) A sociotechnical framework for the design of collaborative services: diagnosis and goal forming. Paper presented at the DRS 2016, Brighton, UK
Pahk, Y., Baek, J. S.**, & Self, J. A. (2016) A Value-Based Approach to Co-Designing Symbiotic Product-Service Systems. Paper presented at the ServDes 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Pahk, Y., Baek, J. S., & Self, J. A.* (2015). Knowledge of use and acceptability of typological innovation: A comparative study. Paper presented at the IASDR 2015, Brisbane, Australia.
Pahk, Y. & Baek, J. S.** (2015). Stakeholder-centred approach to sustainable design: A case study of co-designing community enterprises for local food production and consumption. Paper presented at the ICED 2015, Milan, Italy.
Kim, S. & Baek, J. S.** (2015). Potential of Nature-inspired Approach for Organisation Design in Product-Service System. Paper presented at the ICED 2015, Milan, Italy. (Reviewers’ favourite)
Baek, J. S. (2015). Socio-technical design for resilience: A case study of analysing and designing for a resilient producers' network. Paper presented at the ICED 2015, Milan, Italy.
Kim, S. & Baek, J. S.** (2014). Diagnosis of current smart home appliance development process for application of PSS design methodology. Paper presented at the International Design Conference: Design 2014, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Baek, J. S.* (2014). A real-world experience of product-service system development for intelligent LED system. Paper presented at the International Design Conference: Design 2014, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Kim, J. & Baek, J. S.** (2014) A PSS model based on ESCO (Energy Saving Companies) to promote LED luminaries in South Korea. Poster presented at the Korea Society of Design Science (KSDS) Conference, Ulsan
Kim, J. & Baek, J. S** (2013) Understanding the accessibility of smart devices to the blind. Poster presented at the KSDS Conference, Incheon
Baek, J. S.* (2013). Revisiting ESCO as a sustainable product-service system: Strategic system analysis. Paper presented at the EcoDesign Conference 2013, Jeju Island, South Korea.
Shin, K. & Baek, J. S.** (2013) A stakeholders’ needs analysis for product-service system design of intelligent LED lighting. Paper presented at the KSDS Conference, Seoul
Baek, J. S., & Cho, E. J. (2012). Enrichment of Social Relations in Collaborative Service: Social Networks and Sociability. Paper presented at the Cumulus 2012, Helsinki, Finland.
Baek, J. S.* (2012). A Socio-Technical Framework for Collaborative Services. Paper presented at the Design Research Society 2012, Bangkok, Thailand.
Invited book chapters
Baek, J. S. (2022) Introduction to Yonsei DESIS Lab. A bright future for Asia (pp.82-87). ISBN: 9790110970017-5-8. Busan, South Korea: Asia Design Center for Future.
Baek, J. S. (2022) 사회문제해결디자인의 임팩트 그리고 성공 조건. Impact and success factors of design for social problem solving. Seoul Design International Forum 2021 Archive (pp.203-211). ISBN: 979-11-6599-600-0. Seoul, South Korea: Seoul Metropolitan Government.
Kim, S., Pahk, Y., Baek, J. S.** (2015) Senior club in the district of Jung-gu, Ulsan. In Y. Lee & P. Moore (Eds.), Ageing, ingenuity & design (pp.154-161). ISBN: 978-988-12325-6-4. Hong Kong, China: DESIS Network.
Baek, J. S.*, Meroni, A., & Simeone, G. (2014) A Relational Food Network: Strategy and Tools to Co-design a Local Foodshed. In J. H. Choi, M. Foth, & G. Hearn (Eds.), Eat, cook, grow: mixing human-computer interactions with human-food interactions (pp.13-32) ISBN: 978-0-262-02685-7. MIT Press. Equally contributing authors